3 Ways To Become Successful in Miami

One thing we can always count on: change. And to be successful in Miami, you're gunna have to get used to it.
Changing is like new creations happening in real time. You can see it as its occurring.
Everyone wants change, but not many want to change.
I get it, it's too uncomfortable. Change is an inconvenience at times.
But since it's inevitable, resisting it will only dull the ability for you to create in the friction of changes.
Here's how to look at how you can change with the change...
Best of all, you can view the ability to change like an artist.
But first, let me breakdown 3 simple ways to benefit and become adaptable to changes.
- Building a strong network of allies
- Self education
- Thought leadership
These three factors give you great insights about you and others.
Gain perspectives both on the inside and out and leverage that to your lifestyle.
Synchronize these three and you'll be on your way to accelerate the direction towards adapting to circumstances.
Three Ways to Become Successful in Miami
1. Build a Strong Network
What's great about meeting new people is the feeling of collaborating.
Creating something together that is beneficial and fun.
The reason I really began investing my time into networking was to learn more from others and taking what I can from their experiences and apply them to my own.
This ofcourse, requires the responsibility of giving back.
This practice creates a volley of information that allows everyone involved to seek a better way of gaining perspectives.
The more perspectives you're capable of having, the better you will be at understanding.
And in today's world of over-communication - UNDERSTANDING someone or something is a skill, a privilege and a luxury you can possess.
Forming allies is also a major benefit to networking.
Allies allow you to feel a sense of security in society.
These are the folks who you can bond and strengthen a relationship with.
When it comes to human evolution, tribes survived by forming alliances and thriving in their environments.
The same goes for society today.
You want to be around people you can benefit from and exchange how they can benefit from you.
Thirdly, receiving feedback is also great.
Whether it's you as an individual or anytime you create something new, you want to make sure you're on track to the value you think it provides to others.
2. Self Education
What's great about a personal education is that you can make it a la carte and catered for yourself.
I like seeing self-education like a buffet.
You can pick and choose what you consume and the output it will have on your body, or in this case in your methodologies.
A little of this, and a little of that...and something to wash it all down. How satisfying and refreshing!
What's great about self education is you can wire yourself anyway you like.
Just like the Matrix when someone jacks you up to a source of info.
You can choose whether you want to learn a new skill or strengthen the ones you already have.
After an extensive time of self education you begin to build a gallery of useful information in your mind.
Whenever people interact with you, you display this gallery to them in your communication.
3. Thought Leadership
Leaders of thought know how to communicate value.
They have the individuals of the masses in mind and make a connection.
That connection allows the benefits of information to move from one person to another.
This is how a chain reaction of valuable thoughts are transferred.
Thought leaders are the catalysts of change.
To become an effective communicator, consider various layers of communication.
Individually you can look into the words you use, quotes, images, creations, empathy, etc.
But there are WAY more tools to use that can boost your natural abilities of being a thought leader.
And we use them everyday online.
Photos, captions, tweets and more can be used in various combinations to get your message across.
And if it's found to be useful, it will gain traction.
But most importantly, use this as a way to inspire others in making a difference on their own terms.
That's powerful and responsible thought leadership.
Living with Intention
It's all about the input and the output.
Pay attention to the functions of input and output of living your life.
And it's something I like to call an Artisan Lifestyle.
An artisan isn't just for cheeses and bakers.
Any lifestyle is made by you, but with intention it makes you an artisan by trade.
Whenever you consume anything from an artisan, you can experience the effort and intention within it.
It's not mass produced for many, but rather made for a specific few, from one person.
And if that resonates with you, you feel a sense of connection with the creator of it.
Best of all, these few can grow to many while refining an Artisan Lifestyle.
If you create a life through intention, whenever you contribute or communicate with others, they can feel your intentions and it may spark someone to do something they never knew they were capable of.
Art isn't just limited to canvases like murals, but metaphorically speaking for everything you do.
Art requires a human to make and experience it. Because it is a transfer of human senses through a medium.
And your life can symbolically transfer inspiration for others, so they can become artisans themselves.
So go out and create something! Because when you create with intention during changes you can make a difference.
See Miami as a growing palette of what can be with your intentions applied.
If you want to make a difference in Miami...