
Stay Connected In Miami

Stay Connected In Miami

Miami Networking is dedicated to continue nurturing connections, sharing valuable information, and finding opportunities. Here's how we stay connected in Miami.

Every week we send you an email about all the updates we share with you regarding personal development and business growth.

There's never enough content to cover all the important factors to live a successful life - ESPECIALLY when success can be defined in so many ways.

Instead we just share and allow you to share as well.

Here's your source for stories of locals in Miami, the things we learn, and updates on events to continue sharing our experiences.

So together we grow while being in different paths.

On this weeks newsletter, we talk to Julia Brodska a self published author from Miami, I explain the importance of recognizing patterns in your life, and how to take an effective step towards Personal Branding Online.

Stay Connected In Miami...

1. The Importance Of Pattern Recognition

With enough awareness you can begin to see the things that continue to repeat.

Your habits, the habits of other, routines, behavior, results, monotony...

Recognizing these patterns presents a great opportunity for you to take advantage or overcome them.

In this brief livestream coaching session, I go more in depth about being aware of these patterns which sometimes can go unnoticed by many - but when you keep an eye out for them, you can capitalize on it.

I share examples on how pattern recognition has created concepts like John Nash's "Prisoners Dilemma" the Money experiment, and how your Reticular Activating System (located in the middle of your brain) begins to naturally recognize patterns based on your intentions!

Platform Book Review and Summary

2. Platform By Cynthia Johnson Book Review

This week for our exclusive content, we summarize and review the book Platform by Cynthia Johnson.

On this elaborate blog post, I share with you a practical breakdown on all the important factors to building your personal brand.

Once you've figured out the basics, and what you are attempting to achieve in your personal and business life, you too can take advantage on building the lifestyle you've always wanted.

What you create and attract online becomes YOU! So do it wisely and with strategy.

If you have not enrolled in our membership yet, I invite you to become a Networker today.

We offer members premium content that can keep you up to date on little known skills that are CRUCIAL in today's virtual economy.

You'll grow your knowledge base, and connect to customers using everything we learn together.

Join now to access this book summary, previous book summaries, interviews, ecourses and VIP invitations to virtual events - so we can accelerate to the lifestyle we've always wanted together.

3. Interview with Julia Brodska, Local Author Of The Book Best Life-ing

Meet my friend Julia, she is a local entrepreneur from Australia and has started successful companies like Juus Kitchen and Brosell Solutions.

And inspiration to local women entrepreneurs and for me as well!

On today's show, we ask Julia the details about her new book Best Life-ing, you can find it here: https://amzn.to/2DvFXrf

The events mentioned on this interview can be found on our events calendar!

4. Communication Becomes More And More Convenient, And Accessible

But what happens when there's too much of it going on?

What do you do in order to stay in a relationship with someone when so many things are pulling away their attention.

If you've witnessed the internet boom, mobile phone boom, and now the social media boom - you can see where the rubber meets the road in communication.

And its going faster!

I make this content not only to stay in touch with you - I want to ignite that part of you that is a master connector with everyone you meet.

And sometimes you need ideas, and then the first step to take action towards achieving this critical skill in today's fast paced world.
Recommend0 recommendationsPublished in Newsletter, Book Review, Coaching, Interview, Learning, Marketing, Mornings with Manny, Video

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