Miami is going to be a city of the future.
Miami’s population is rising, the business is booming, and the education system considered to be one of the best in the nation – changes are going to come fast.
Are you prepared to make the most of it?
With this much opportunity being presented here locally, we’ve decided to gather those who have a calling to make a difference.
If you are planning to achieve the lifestyle you’ve always wanted, you are invited to connect with others on the same path as we share useful information and create opportunities through collaboration.
This virtual networking event is 100% FREE to attend.
The details are as follows:
Event: Meet the Makers of Miami
Date: Sunday May 24th 12pm-5pm
Location: Virtual
Hi I’m Manny Garavito…
I am a comedian and a freelance Digital Marketer.
Combining these two skills have made me in becoming a host of local networking events.
When it comes to Miami Networking events, there are two things I am passionate about: creating relationships and exchanging useful information.
Over the years, traditional networking efforts have become commonly obsolete.
Whether it’s shaking an endless amounts of hands and not making a genuine connection, or a sales pitch hidden as a seminar.
So I started…
This website aims to strengthen our connections, and create assistance while we pursue our individual paths to success.
This networking group is dedicated to develop your ideas, engage you and others in casual conversations, assist you in your Marketing practices, and becoming an ally while you build the lifestyle you’ve always wanted.
I look forward to meeting you.
If you have any questions about this event, or about how we can collaborate, email me directly or set up a call meeting here: